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Frequently Asked questions

If you have any adittional questions please call our studio at (773) 3873432 or chat live with us now!

How often should I do
EMS for back pain relief?

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Typically, one 20-minute session
per week is sufficient, and it's
proven to improve pain within
the first 3-6 session

Is EMS safe?

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EMS is safe when done under
professional supervision,
as trainers adjust the intensity
to suit individual tolerance levels
and health conditions.

Does EMS replace traditional

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EMS complements traditional
exercise, especially for
strengthening core muscles
and providing pain relief in
hard-to-reach areas.

Do you offer 1-on-1 classes and personal training?

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Yes, all our classes come with a personal trainer dedicated to supporting you throughout your workout.

Visit us today

EMS Training sessions in Park Ridge Chicago

Don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions!

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